What we do?
Industrial Design and Graphic Design
We work with our customers in conceptualization and design of products and communication elements that are all-people friendly.
By integrating “Universal Accessibility”, “Design for All” and “Sustainability” principles” into their corporate culture, products and services, organizations will gain market share, while also demonstrating true Corporate Social Responsibility and commitment to all customers and users.
The interaction of people with the environment is constrained by the design of the objects involved in this interaction.
Create beautiful, different, appealing, and innovative objects that leave "footprints" in the history of design is important and desirable. But that these objects may become a mean of discrimination of any member of society just to satisfying any of those attributes is simply unacceptable.
An object usable by all is an object buyable by all people.
Major International Groups have been aware of this and have introduced products in the market that take into account the diversity of customers. It is estimated that contrary practice may represent up to 40% loss in future potential markets. In the communication field, these figures take even more impressive dimensions.
What is not seen is not for sale, but what you see is not understandable and it's scary.